Sunday 23 February 2014


The light tickles green little spots to wake up while the first spring storm hums outside. Plans about summer plants, voyages, a pot of green tea and a pile of newspapers.

1. A little interview on The Epoch Times.
2. Scandinavian Dreams by Carrie.

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday 12 February 2014


February is filled with light. Yellow, grey and blue light. The birds are singing their shy spring-winter melodies, sometimes so surprising. But the snow is melting, when it should be the coldest time of the year. My skis are still waiting for many more adventures with fresh snow.

Hello Valentines! This Apple Tree Love and 14 other cards for any occasion available through Red Cap Cards.

Ti-tyy, ti-tyy, ti-tyy, the birds sing outside. 

Have a beautiful Valentine´s Day 

Lämpöisiä rutistuksia ystäville, kiitos kun olette ympärillä 

Monday 3 February 2014


Hello February, the favourite of months. The pearl month, the winter month, the spring wind month. The skiing, the trip month. The month with celebration and sunshine. The month of big blankets of snow. The month of fire on the ice, outdoor coffee middle of the frozen lake. Helmikuu, February.

Welcome to the updated website with lots of new and older paintings and drawings, such many lovely projects from the last years! Warm thank you for walking with me on this journey! Wishing for many more to come, promising my best and doing all the possible. And: "Everything that can be thought about, is possible".

Scents of afternoon tea, Runeberg -raspberry cake, melting snow. Have a beautiful new week and month!