Friday 24 April 2015


The last days have been so pretty and warming. Flowers, phone calls, messages of congratulations, hugs. So wide smiles. 

This is me on Tuesday evening in beautiful Helsinki. Behind there is a beautiful street leading to a beautiful church. In front of me is beautiful Eili-Kaija that took this photo and behind her is a lovely square market and the sea. On my left, in this beautiful orange old house, there is a gallery, where an exhibition opened just before this photo was taken. In that exhibition opening, I received the Kaiku award, an award of a remarkable breakthrough as an illustrator by The Association of Finnish Illustrators.  So grateful, thank you, thank you! Receiving such an award from own colleagues means so much. They know the best how this work is.

Also, two other wonderful illustrators were awarded too. Laila Nevakivi got an award of distinguished teaching material and non-fiction illustrations and Kristiina Louhi received an award of remarkable life's work as an illustrator. 

In the exhibition there are works of us all three, original paintings, books, tableware and clothing. The exhibition is open until the 31st of May, 2015 in Virka Galleria, at the Helsinki City Hall. Hopefully you can visit! Please remember to sign the guestbooks if you go.

In the exhibition you can also see three documentary portraits of us three. The small videos were made by Kari Kuukka from DocImages. Here you can see a few screenshots from my video. If you are not able to go to the exhibition, the videos luckily can be watched also online, mine is here, the videos of Kristiina and Laila can be found here.

So happy! That is me on the left, Laila Nevakivi in the middle and Kristiina Louhi on the right. I love their works. Can you imagine, we all work with watercolours on such digital times.

Oh, all these pretty flowers! Thank you Kuvittajat ry, colleagues, friends and family! 


(The first photo is taken by Eili-Kaija Kuusniemi, the 2nd, 3rd and 5th photos are screenshots of a video made by Kari Kuukka, the 4th photo is by Anna Kähkönen.)



Voi onnellisuutta! Sain Kaiku palkinnon Kuvittajat ry:ltä tiistaina. Näyttely on auki Virka Galleriassa, Helsingissä Sofiankadulla aina 31.5.2015 asti. Siellä on myös palkittujen Kristiina Louhen ja Laila Nevakiven töitä sekä videot meistä kolmesta. 

Lisää voi lukea Kuvittajien sivuilta.

Friday 10 April 2015


A few coltsfoot, that have popped up from the earth, are more yellow than the Sun, that shines through a misty cloud on its way down behind the city. Orange and purple Crocuses are awake too. The lake is melting every day more, the waves are happy and alive. Glimmering those golden rays of the one hiding shyly behind the misty clouds.

Spring Allotment, a new little garden to grow up with, for L'Affiche Moderne, is now available. Its companion painting, Garden of A Moon Gazer, is still available too. 

Spring Allotment is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland. Thank you so much!

Spring wishes!

(The photo by L'Affiche Moderne.)