Happy May, happy new week!
Days are growing very long, the light lasts till night. Colors grow from shadows and bird songs from still almost naked trees. A daily walk around the small lake is still getting greener every day. A green hue around tree tops is visible, but not yet that concrete.
On Saturday I had one coffee. It was not maybe done that well and drinking from a paper cup is more a feeling than an enjoyment, but the moment was special. The lady serving me was busy (but very happy) playing some local lottery game and the small tickets were just drawn the same time as I ordered my coffee. “White-green-striped 92.” Or, “Pink 58″. I did not know who won the hammock or the theater tickets, but the enthusiasm of flower-shirted ladies behind the coffee table with their tickets in front of them reminded me that those moments would not be forgotten even I had left my camera home.
Our Little Sea is a project by Emmi. It is about The Baltic Sea, which is in danger with eutrophication. This small sea is very pretty with its many tiny islands and the ice during the winter times. There are two paintings in this small zine by me and 19 other artists. One Euro for the protection work of The Baltic Sea is donated for each sold copy.
Half cloudy afternoon tea break greetings.
Be well.
(Cover of the zine in the second photo by Emmi.)