Monday 22 November 2010


Dear Monday,

At home, the secret message is scribbled with a very secret language by my brother´s handwriting. Boat, games, hamburger, Greetings: Boat. Turquoise slipper friends met other childhood friends. White snow reflected the light of a full moon at midnight, and the yard birch tree crossed the whole yard with its shadow. The next day a wolf was seen on our fields. Just that the wolf turned to become a dog with a closer look. Birds, they flew around an oak tree catching a seed or three and enjoying them on branches of bare neighboring birch trees. Not cross-country skiing yet, but hopefully soon.

Just a moment ago, I have emailed to the ones receiving some winter postcards (or made a comment on your blog if you did not leave your email address): Tanja, Carolina, Sarah, Heather, Susan, Darcy, Rotaeffchenundich, Pamela, Yelena B., Barbara B., Polly, Gise, Alexa, Millie and Jennifer. Hopefully you will like the cards!

White snow blanket covering all around. Busy hands painting and packing, new tea is soon brewed.

Have a warm week!


  1. Hallo Anna Emilia!
    Have a nice day too!
    I really wanted to win.. :-(
    Maybe next give away!

  2. did you leave another secret message for future find?
    I'm lucky enough to have one of your delicious postcards
    so I can say, that those chosen are lucky too:

  3. The secret message! Just love that idea, how fun.
    Stay warm and watch out for the wolves. :-)

  4. what a very generous giveaway - I'm SO excited I won, warm thoughts from far away Nova Scotia xo Susan

  5. Congratulations to the lucky ones !
    Your paintings are so beautiful !

  6. WOW this is an amazing blog! congrats!!!
    hugg from Portugal!

  7. heippa. ihania värejä ja juttuja. minäkin kuulin susijuttuja viikonloppuna. joko kohta muutat, kauaskin? hyvää pakkausta ja talvista päivää!

  8. Thank you everyone for writing down your messages, they make me so happy!

    Hanna, uusi koti on ihan lähellä, tässä saman järven rannalla, rannempana vain. Kiitos toivotteluista, pakkaaminen sujuu aina vesivärien kuivuessa. Onpas isoja paperipinoja (:

    Sunset greetings of 2.25 pm to everyone, and teabreak greetings too!

  9. Hi!! I just discovered your blog and the pics and draws are lovely!
    I invite you to visit my blog Corto Metraje.

  10. I'm glad to have won some of your beautiful pictures!
    I love the last photo. Tigger and animals and secret messages are still part of my life grown up. :)

  11. Just love your secret message story. My dad put a "treasure map" in a brass candlestick when we were children! My 3 sisters and I loved the mystery of it all. Sometimes Dad would get it out when we had a dinner guest and they would be fooled just like us :)
    I must have another look when I visit him next weekend. Oooh! I can't wait now I am reminded of it!

  12. Thank you Corto Metraje! Happy that you like it dear Heather!

    Dear Janelle, thank you for telling me about your secret message (: It sounds wonderful, it would be lovely to see your Dad´s map. Enjoy the moments of finding it again!

    Winter morning greetings to you all, with a moon still up in the sky!

  13. Congratulations to all the winners! You are lucky to have a print-card of Anna Emilia!
    Waiting for the next give away:-) Maybe before Christmas?
    All the best

  14. I wonder if one day my girls will find their little hole in their room which they could pass messages through...
    SUCH special sibling memories...
    Beautiful post..this one and the toad-stool woodland wonder your paintings are so fabulous...look at your landscape you live around.
    HUGS and have a warm day!
