Friday 23 July 2010


Salty face, splashes of the sea in the wind. Sandwiches filled with pecan nuts, green bell pepper, onion, olives and sweetest cucumber in a small grey backpack. Mind is still on this small island (and ears still hear the wind and the roars of the sea), hands painting on a satin cotton paper.

Have a pleasant weekend with a strawberry cake!


  1. hi anna, is this you at the 3rd pic? - so cute:)
    when i saw the 4th+5th i got so much wanderlust!! love the sea, the horizon and the wide, open feeling, which i get, if i see it.. traveling is so nice!! all the best for your hand paintings and a wonderful time anymore.. lotte:)

  2. aww i like the turban picture : )

  3. wow, absolutely stunning :) what is this wonderful island called? enjoy your weekend and your strawberry cake!

  4. Voi vau mikä ranta!
    En nyt käsitä mistä maasta nämä ovat? Jotain itämaista näissä on, ja sitten ei kuitenkaan. Kaunista.

  5. I too love the turban picture :-)


  6. What impressing holiday pics you have posted lately. And you look so pretty with your sun protection.

  7. oh the light! enough to immerse the eyes of many minutes in silence ...

  8. Beautiful pictures.

    Your drawings are amazing, btw. Here from seehearsay.

  9. these are wonderful pictures; i just love the ocean .


  10. ah the sea :) it is one of my most favourite sounds! your sandwich sounds delicious.

  11. Hallo there!
    Which place have you been for holidays?
    Hopefully you will give a new give-away-drawing of yours?
    Best wishes to you!

  12. Oh beautiful. Love the flashes of turquoise in the second and third photographs.

  13. Hello,

    I found my way here for the first time just as you went off on holiday, but I loved what I saw... gorgeous paintings and photos and everywhere lovely airy, sea-ish colours... too lovely! I just wanted to say hello. I hope your travels were as lovely as they look to have been.

  14. Hello dear Lotte,

    That is me hiding under a big scarf from the noon sun (: Feeling the happiness of travelling is very nice, hopefully you can dream of nice places and can reach them too!

    Hi dearest Rye,

    Thank you so much for all your words and emails. I still try to find some more information about the books for you!

    Dear Irene,

    Happy if you like! The island is called Fuerteventura, there are a few spots to enjoy alone if you are lucky to find them (:

    Dear Luna,

    Nice to meet you!

    Thank you dear Samantha!


    Hei kultainen Liivia,

    Nämä on Kanarian saarten Fuerteenturasta, löysimme sieltä mukavan salaisen rannan.


    Hannalle paljon sydämiä kanssa!


    Dear Sarah,

    Happy about that (:


    Thank you dearly Karin!


    Dear Sandra, I did and I still do!

    Dear Arrosoir,


    Dear Lotte,

    Lovely to know that you like!

    Dear Abby,

    Thank you for visiting and for your kind words.

    Dear Cassidy,

    Happy that you enjoyed, wishes of calm oceans to you!

    Dear Melski,

    I do wish I had a sandwich like that now here, it is lunch time and I am starving.

    Sunny greetings!

    Hello mysterious Anonymous!

    The island is called Fuerteventura where lies a few spots like true treasure islands.

    I will keep a new give-away in my mind for the future (:

    Dear Becky,

    Thank you for writing your love down, it made me very happy.

    Dear Jodi,

    Glad I became from your kind words, I am happy to read them! It was a lovely holiday. Thank you for stopping by and happy Wednesday!
