Thursday 18 October 2012


One day the one that whistled in a tree, early in the morning, was found behind a window in the afternoon.

Forest walk, tummies full of berries after a cold dip in a lake. Sun shined and the moss looked warm and soft. Pillows, I saw, and mattresses, sofas and armchairs. Handfuls of berries to reach, to drink and eat. There would be everything. Dense pine branches as a roof, the hill to see the first sun rays and wave good bye to the last disappearing ones.

Trumpet orchestra of the forest hummed a slow windy song all around. 

Trees, small and tall. Some smaller, but denser ones were tickling curiosity forming a nice beginning of a path. The blue sky would not be visible under those branches.

A tree to hang your beard into. Or a tree to borrow a beard from to dress up for a royal forest dinner.

The waves rushed to the shore, the clouds to the left. Crackling fire was waiting inside with a blueberry pie. Turning bike and bicycling back home on a sunny autumn forest road. Pebbles making a nice rhyme under tires.

Warm cloudy morning greetings!


  1. It's real forest fairy-tale:)
    When I spent my holidays in my Grandma's house in Archangelsk region in Russia I saw similar landscapes as on your last photo, Anna Emilia:)

    1. That place is quite close to the White Sea, isn´t it?

      Lovely to hear your greetings, Anna!

  2. Aivan mielettömiä kuvia, ihan kuin pieni minimetsä metsässä :)

  3. Breathtaking. Whose feathers? Oh, such enchanting worlds, the light and lace.

  4. beauty and magic, oh my! what kind of bird? stunning!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these Anna Emilia, they make me smile from ear to ear :-)

    1. So glad to hear Geninne!

      How is your volcano behind your windows doing this time of the year? (:

  6. This is gorgeous... maybe the most wonderful blog post ever! Beautiful words and photos. Thank you for bringing us on this trip to the world of beard trees, moss chairs and sprouting trumpets lichens. Warm wood-smokey wishes to you!

  7. emaill@aliceadsl.fr18 October 2012 at 22:37

    Quelles belles images, gardez moi une barbe s'il vous plait !!!

    Plongeon dans un lac ? par cette température !!!
    Merci de nous faire partager ce paradis

    1. (: It was perfect to swim, feeling so warm afterwards! Very good for health.

  8. i am breathing in the words and the photos, wonderful!

  9. Oh! It really looks like Latvia when was in the forest searching for mushrooms and berries! So lovely!

  10. You made me laugh out loud with your wonderful description of the tree with beards. I love how you see and describe things.

    1. Hopefully there were many people around you to become happy too with your laughter (:

  11. Ihanat ihanat kuvat -ja muutenkin tämä blogi on niin satumaisen hyväntuulinen!

  12. gorgeous. absolutely stunning.
