Tea water was boiling, the doorbell rang. It was greetings all the way from poplar wool covered Moscow as a big parcel. It brought the published illustrations that I painted when there were still snow and northern lights in the sky for architecture and design magazine Interni Russia.
The brewed tea I poured to a thermos bottle, wrapped a few dark chocolate cashew nuts in a paper bag, put all in a bigger bag and walked for a very long tea break to the allotment garden´s windy bench. Lilacs fill the air with their scent everywhere.
The magazine is about architecture of the future with new technologies, materials, ecology and zero-emission houses. There are two versions, a usual magazine and The Mook, a perfect bound book. They both come with two supplements. The first one is about watches and the second one is about significant people, objects and buildings from 1910 to 2010. There are six illustrations that I did. Unfortunately my Russian is limited still to understand only a few alphabets, but this surely makes me to want to study the beautiful language more.
Thank you kindly dear Yulia & everyone else at Interni for this opportunity. Smiling greetings back to Moscow!
Greetings also to you, love and warm tea scents for your weekend!
Edit: P.s. 2. Look how cute is she!
oh my, your illustrations are always so beautiful! i'm so curious about what techniques you use.
ReplyDeleteIt is beautiful, all of it. You should be very proud to be able share such beauty with people whom you have never met.
ReplyDeletewonderful second photo
ReplyDeleteAfficher en écriture latine
ReplyDeleteI would like the paper is matte and the smell of ink a bit strong on recycled paper ... is this the case?
Bravo! the choice of illustrator is quite consistent with my idea of ecology
congratulations! These look really beautiful and what a lovely way to pause and enjoy, with a thermos in the windy garden.
ReplyDeleteNäyttää niin leppoisalta ja mukavalta kesäkuulta. Ja jee hienoille kuvituksille! Tykkään kovasti noista kaikista rakenteluista.
Minä vähän kaipaan tuommoista kesää. Että on metsää ja vettä ja kaikkea. Mutta täällä on vaaleankeltainen kesäkuu, pannullinen teetä ja luumukarkkeja. Terkkuja!
It's great for you !
ReplyDeleteCongratulations !
am so glad you spoke to me. really liking your blog thus far.
ReplyDeleteesp. your header image. just lovely.
Dear Jennifer,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I do use watercolors and a hint of acrylics and ponds of hot or already cold tea (:
Dear Carolina,
It is amazing that people find their ways here. Every word and name appearing makes my heart pound very fast. So thank you! Thank you all!
Thank you dear Katie and Nathan!
Dear Arrosoir,
There are different kinds of papers in these magazines and supplements (: Thank you thank you!
Have a happy day there!
Dear Jill,
Thank you so much! It was a pleasure to be in the garden indeed with the wind, not many passed by.
Eager about your project!
Heippa Hanna matkaaja!
Jos tulet elokuussa, on varmasti vielä ilmoja jäljellä ja uusi kesä taas sitten tuloillaan (: Hassusti löysin itseni eilen ajattelemasta jo talvea, mutta onneksi nuo aatokset katosi hyvin pikapuoliin.
Terkkuja takaisin Laukontorin tee-hetkestä, josta pyöräilin juuri hetki sitten lempeässä vaan silti hieman viileässä auringossa jatkamaan maalaamista.
Dear Anne,
Thank you so much!
I wonder how it is in your garden these days (:
Thank you dearly Michael!
Lovely to follow your journeys from breakfast tables to secret corners. Thank you also for the mellow melodies!
what a spectacular way to spend your tea time. lovely photos :)
ReplyDeletexo Alison
Your illustrations published look fantastic. Congratulations!
ReplyDeletetosi kaunis blogi sinulla!
ReplyDeleteen ole ennen Suomessa sinun töihisi törmännyt :(
ovat todella kauniita.
Anna, your work is absolutely stunning...I aspire to one day be like you and have books published with my work in them...but I have far to go...
ReplyDeleteI will keep going though and just admire your talent!
Dear Alison,
ReplyDeleteHopefully you will find a calming spot too to sip green tea! Thank you!
Dear Gracia,
Thank you very very much!
It is evening birds singing here behind the window, I send that sound to you!
Hei Delila,
Mukavaa kovin kun löysit tänne! Koetan saada tulevaisuudessani töitäni myös Suomessa katseltavaksi (:
Dear and kind Char,
Thank you very much, I appreciate your words a lot and do hope that your work also find its way to be seen! Work hard, I promise to do the same!
Hugs back to you with birds singing outside.
Your blog is a joy to see and read. You are very talented!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful things here! Always a beautiful blog to visit...
ReplyDeleteanna moi! näyttää semmoselle, että kesä on tullut suomeen. :) ja hei, ainakin kauniita teoksia sulla, todellakin rakastan! kaikkea hyvää!
ReplyDeletei just stumbled across your blog today and i'm in awe; everything here is so completely beautiful.
Thank you dearly Anonymous, lovely to have a secret visitor!
Dear Flor,
Thank you very much, your words and visits make me happy.
Hei kultainen Jenna,
Kesä täällä hurisee hiljalleen, tänään pilvisenä, mutta vielä lämpimänä. On Annikin Runofestarit kaupungissa, taitaa tulla sadekeli, mutta kunhan ei varpaat paleltuisi kuten viime vuonna. Kiitos paljon ja halauksia sinne kauaksi!
Dear Darcy,
I am very pleased to meet you! Thank you!
Happy weekend!
Näyttää todella todella upeilta työsi tuossa lehdessä! Vau!
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog, it is amazing!!! I will visit you quite often, I think...
ReplyDeleteThanks for beauty and inspiration and quietness...
Best wishes from Spain.