Friday 11 June 2010


Hello dear you,

It is a bit windy and the first very cloudy day in weeks. Like curtains on all the day long. Or maybe a soft cotton ball cover above protecting. This weather feels very soft.

The shop is officially open now! Hopefully you will like it. It will be open now for two weeks (till the 24th of June). Then comes a small summer trip while it is closed but it opens again in August. Please have a look, I would be happy to know what you think!

Also, the website is updated with a few new works.

A crow is flying around the house. First singing next to my balcony door, then on the other side by the bedroom window and by the balcony again. Nice to have such a gentleman keeping me company. I wish that he finds a safe place middle of twigs and leave branches before the rain arrives.

Glad I feel of every email and comment I have lately received, thank you, thank you thousand times for them! Next week we could have a small game here where at least someone could win a small gift from me as a thank you. Please come back then again.

Be well and enjoy the weekend with some fresh rain scent.


Anna Emilia


Hei siellä,

Ehkä tänään myös hieman suomeksi. Kiitos kaikille, jotka siellä seurailevat sääpäiväkirjaani.

Tänään on kaupan avajaiset, tervetuloa! Aukioloaika on kesäkuun 25:nteen, sitten on pieni kesäreissu, mutta puoti aukeaa taas elokuussa.

Myös nettisivuilta löytyy uusia töitä.

Ensi viikolla pelataan, joku voittakoon pienen lahjan minulta. Tule siis kiltti takaisin!

On pehemeä pilvinen päivä, lämpö tuntuu silti. Herra varis kiertää taloa ja kraakkuu milloin parvekkeella, milloin makuuhuoneen akkunalla, siisti herrasmies pitää seuraa. Kun vain pääsisi suojaan ennen viikonlopun sateita, havujen tai koivunoksien alle.

Sateenropinan onnea,

Anna Emilia


  1. hi anna, congratulations!:) i like "Liida and Moshka" very, very much. really, really

  2. The shop looks great Anna Emilia! Any chance you'll put those little huts in the shop too?? I love this new painting!

  3. p.s.: really, really nice!

  4. I like your blog, it's very calming, the colours and the drawings. Lovely.

  5. <3
    onnea, näyttää tosi hienolle! ja nuo muotokuvatkin on tosi hienoja tuolla sivuilla, en oo ennen niitä nähnytkään. kesäiltaterveiset, pimeät, humisevat ja lämpimät sellaiset.

  6. My favorite sentence you wrote was " Like curtains on all day long."
    My favorite item in your shop is " Leaf Sprout". I could not seem to get enough of either, I was on your blog today, Anna Emilia, for a long time and I loved every minute.

  7. Aw this made me so happy. Your shop and the new paintings in your website... everything is beautifully good.

    :) Say hi to mister crow. I have lots of them here by my window. xo

  8. I am so happy to see your new shop!!!

  9. Wow, your paintings are so gorgeous, totally love them! They are so calm and peaceful, very inspiring!

  10. onnea uudelle ihanalle kaupalle! ♥

  11. Kauniita töitä, vielä ei omaa suosikkia löytynyt mutta jään vahtimaan ja ostan huomaani kun oikea kumppani löytyy. Tyylisi on aivan mahtava! Aurinkoiset kesäterveiset Islannista xxx

  12. Oh, yay! Congratulations on the shop opening--looks lovely! Will you be adding any other pieces to it?

  13. Really pretty. I'd like to buy a print some day.
    Love the way you paint wood.

  14. my best wishes for your shop!
    the clouds are making winks in the sun, here too ...
    and of course I will come back again and again ...

  15. Looks wonderful!
    Congrats on the shop opening...I should really look into opening a Shop for my prints.
    Have a lovely Saturday...
    And I'll be back soon

  16. oh! your paintings and drawings are amazing!!!
    happy day!!!
    good luck!

  17. Oh jeej! It looks great!!

  18. So beautiful! good luck with your new shop.... or how you say Onnea!
    minä olen espanijalainen...hahahah i lived in kuopio for a while... i like your blog

  19. oi onnea, anna emilia! näyttää ja kuulostaa hurjan ihanalta! muuten, sulla on hieno mekko toisessa kuvassa. :)

  20. Congratulations, dear Anna Emilia ! You shop is beautiful !

  21. congratulations on the opening of your new shop! everything looks so beautiful and delicate.

  22. it's wonderful !

    Have a nice summertrip !

    lots of love


  23. I will come back for the game also : )

  24. Anna Emilia, I just saw you on Nabe Fabric. I loved that one of my favorite artists was being featured. Congratulations!

  25. congratulations on your new shop, everything looks lovely!

  26. Congratulations Anna Emilia, the prints are beautiful! Have a wonderful summer trip! Yanyan

  27. hi!
    i just found your blog and i really like it!
    lovely paintings and photos!

    i'll be back just to see more inspiring things :D

  28. Hello Anna ! Today I discovered your work of Art from an article on Pikaland.
    I just wanted to tell you that everything you make seems lovely and to wish you all the best for your shop. Good luck !

  29. Hi! I found your blog through The Little Deers, and I must say I am in love! I really admire your detailed artwork and creativity. You definitely are an inspiration.

    I really look forward to following you and seeing more of your work.

    Also, congrats on opening your shop! I know you will make a ton of sales :)

  30. Dear Lotte,
    Thank you so much! (:

    Dear May,

    Happy June! Thank you! I will think about that, but of course they are for sale. I will write an email to you just to make sure(:

    Dear Lotte,


    Dear Ophelia,

    Thank so much! Happy to have you here visiting!

    Hei Hanna matkalainen,

    Kiitos paljon! Pian keksikesän terveisiä sinne maailmalle. Ja vaarallista juhannusta!

    Dear Muse of the day,

    So happy to read your words! I wish you a very god Thursday with many sounds of the gentle wind outside and sun´s whiskers tickling your cheeks.

    Dear Shokoofeh,

    Mr. Crw surely sang yesterday evening for you, he had a long monolog actually, me brushing teeth and listening (:

    Dear Diane,

    Thank you so much! Greetings all the way to you!

    Thank you dear Carine!

    Happy of your words, will remember them while soon painting again!

    Dear Shantita,

    Thank you! (:

    Hei kultainen Satu,

    Kiitos hurjasti!

    Heippa Mira,

    Terveisiä paljon Islantiin! Kiitos!

    Dear Maggie,

    Thank you! Later on I will probably add some new items, but as it is not my "main" work, I only do it as I have the time and possibility. So please be patient if you yet did not see something you want (: Please come back!

    Dear Lori,

    Thank you so much! Painting wood is my favorite pattern (:

    Dear Arrosoir,

    Thank you! Thank you also for the weather note. It is very sunny here too, I hide inside curtains pinging (:

    Dear Char,

    Thank you so much! Hugs to you too and thank you for the entry about my shop in your blog (:

    Dear Chantal,

    Happy day to you too and thank you!
    Good luck to you too, we all need it once in awhile (:

    Thank you dear Brit! Happy if you like it!

    Dear Princesa,

    Kiitos paljon! Kuopio, that is very near where I come from! Many greetings to Spain.

    Kiitos kiltti Jenna! Mekko on yhden illan ompelutyö, hieman hassu, mutta kesämenoihin sopiva (:

    Dear Anne,


    Dear Melissa,

    Thank you very much! I am happy that you visited here. Greetings to your autumn!

    Dear Lotte,

    Thank you! I will!

    Love back to you.

    And please come back, it will open here soon!

    Dear Muse of the day,

    Thank you for telling me about it!

    Dear Deborah,

    Thank you so much! Thank you also for your entry about me in your blog!

    Dear Yanyan,

    Thank you and congratulations also for you and Suvi Ainoa!

    Dear Zit,

    Thank you and please come back!

    Dear Julianna,

    Hooray to you too!

    Dear namesake of mine, Anna,

    Thank you!

    Dear Eve,

    Thank you very much!

    Dear Christine,

    Thank you for telling me! Happy that you found your way here!
    Happy Thursday!

  31. Dear Anna,
    I love love love your sweet blog !
