Sunset time with pink and blue. February is making its way here, with colder days. The light is softer, more yellow. Aquarius birthdays to celebrate for the whole month, first ones last night inside frosted windows. A long breakfast with a friend to think about the next ones, and some spring adventures.
Kristen made an interview with me. Her world of names is very interesting.
There is an exhibition with a few of my paintings in Vuojoki mansion in Eurajoki. Till the 28th of February.
Sunday evenings are for music, for reading and for a long walk (and pinched red cheeks).
Have a warm entrance to the new week!
Heippa! Kevättalven retkikohde: Vuojoen kartanolla, Eurajoella, on Kuvittajat ry:n Metsän tuhat tarinaa -näyttely. Siellä on myös muutama minun maalaukseni, 28.2.2012 asti.
Lämpöisiä ajatuksia!