Spring has arrived even it comes today as big floating snowflakes. Spring makes me restless. Restlessness makes me to want to travel. Healing that with a bit of lighthouses of the world. Lighthouses from Germany, Iceland and UK. (1. by Sabine, 2. by Anke, 6. by Samuele.)
Do you feel the spring? How do you treat it?
Have a happy Monday filled with orange and turquoise, maybe a bit of raspberry pie too!
voi että. ja voi että tuota oranssia majakkaa!
ReplyDeleteminusta tuntuu kans keväältä. tekee mieli uusia juttuja, leikata hiukset, siivota nurkat ja pakata reppu. tekee myös mieli istua auringossa vaan.
tänään kävin hiihtämässä, se oli aika keväistä jotenkin.
i can feel spring in the air too, yesterday was all sunny and warm although we're suppose to get snow again today..
ReplyDeletewe just bought some new plants to prepare us for the spring too :)
Great choices of photos! I love the orange one, it looks so happy.
ReplyDeleteSpring... how I long for spring! Apparently there will be some 0C temperatures at the end of the week but I won't be here. Given the days of -20C we had and the huge amount of snow, it's still going to be a while before we really can feel spring :)
We are waiting to the autumn in our part of the world. The nights became a bit chillier lately and very very clear. I like this time of year with anticipation and the sense of something new in the air.
ReplyDeleteThese photos are beautiful and took my thoughts far, far away.
I like your blog and just featured your photographs of green fields. Please feel most welcome to visit my blog-place!
Huippuhienoja majakkakuvia! Itse en oikein tiedä mihin sijoittaisin kevään tänä vuonna, koska jään kesälomalle maaliskuun tokalla viikolla :) Syyslukukausi vuorostaan starttaa kesäkuun alussa.
ReplyDeleteThese lighouses are splenldid. Ligthouses make me dreaming always. Travels dreams... At the moment, I feel the same restleness like you, It's because of the spring, you're right. I need moving, dancing, runing... In french, we tell I'm like a battery ! Have a sweetl tuesday, dear Anna Emilia...
ReplyDeleteMahtava blogi! Miten en ole tänne yhtään aikaisemmin löytänyt...
ReplyDeletewhat a nice post...i love lighthouses...there is one here in Hamburg too and I like to walk there...
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for Spring too...got tulips the other days and they make me so happy
I just found your blog, and it is the most beautiful one I have ever read! Thank you for all the lovely photographs and words!
ReplyDeletevoi anna! nämä on niin kauniita. ei ole sanoja, katson ja ihailen. islanti näyttää unelta, niin vihreää.
ReplyDeleteOotpas tavannut monta majakkaa! Minä vain yhden, muistaakseni. Eikun kaksi.
ReplyDeleteMajakoissa on lumoa.
Voi Hanna,
ReplyDeleteKaikkea hassu kevät voikin saada meitä tekemään. Onhan se voimakas kun puskee tuolta kinosten läpi.
Hauskaa viikonloppua!
Dear May,
That sounds like a good plan to get the spring a little bit earlier. Here are too some new plants and I try to get to grow small leaves to a few branches from my morning walk.
Dear Gali,
Happy to meet you! Spring is coming for sure, it has its special strength on that. Let´s still wait for a while though!
Dear Galit,
Spring and autumn are so strong both, I also long for autumn, but first the spring needs to appear here.
Thank you very much for writing to me, I had a peek on your place and it is beautiful.
Kiitos Essi!
Hauskaa nähdä maailmaasi kirjavissa ja varmasti tuoksuvissa maisemissa. Mukavaa kun piipahdit!
Dear Anne,
Happy to read your words, as always! Have a lovely weekend!
Heippa Ilona,
Mukavaa kun saavuit vieraisille, kiitos siitä. Kevään voimia sinulle!
Dear Schorlemädchen,
Two of those lighthouses are not that far from Hamburg if I remember right! Do you have a photo of that lighthouse? I would love to see it. Enjoy your tulips, I have seen so many here in the blogworld, maybe I could find some real ones tomorrow too.
Dear namesake of mine, Anna,
Thank you very much, it is such a pleasure to meet you. I am very happy that you came by.
Hei Jennasein,
Mukavaa kun pidät. Kaipaan niin kovasti joka päivä Islantiin vaikka Suomessa on nyt myös erittäin mukavaa. Mutta kaipaaminen on hyväksi, se muistuttaa mukavista.
Hei kultainen Liivia,
Majakat on hauskoja vanhuksia merien laitamilla. Tästä puuttuu ainakin yksi Suomessa tapaamani majakka ja muutama Islannistakin. Pitäisi piipahtaa useammille Suomessa oleville, täällähän on monia kauniita!
Dear all,
Thank you so much for writing to me, it makes these moments very special. Be well and enjoy your weekend!
Wonderful images!