It is rainy and +5 °C today in the treasure island Iceland. Quite different it was in the summer of 2005, when I was there the second time. It was very green and an 80-years old gentleman called Halldór was teaching me the names of the mountains around Reykjavík. We sat by a coffee table and looked the landscape opening behind the window. So many mountains fit in one view.
Is there a place that you miss sometimes?
P.s. The smell of Reykjavík is of course the wind and the sea, but also vanillin. Very strong vanillin as there is a cookie factory in the middle of the town. Vanillin to my coffee today!
Of course, I miss my little paradise most of the time. Have a look on my blog.
ReplyDeletei miss berlin and new york every day. iceland looks so beautiful in your pictures.
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos! I so many to go to Iceland. I sometimes miss Rome, every morning we'd have a coffee and a white chocolate croissant and sit in a cafe surrounded by Nuns while Madonna gyrated on MTV on the cafe's tv...a bizarre but enjoyable time.
ReplyDeleteIt's beautiful ! I'd like to discover this counry on day.... Soon ?!
ReplyDeletesouthern california is my home land but oregon is a gorgeous place to be in so i have nothing to complain about. i guess its the people that i miss and not so much the place.
ReplyDeleteI miss Marseille most but there are so many other places I miss also. I miss China a bit but I'm going back in less than three weeks for a visit. I miss some cities in the US. I miss Risoul and skiing there... but Marseille is still my first choice.
ReplyDeleteIt's strange to hear that it's +5C in Iceland, it's still well below zero here and in a way I hope it stays that way for a while, I don't want the slush that follows the snow.
these are so beautiful! I love those colourful houses against the flower field.
ReplyDeleteI miss Beijing, my home home..
ReplyDeleteand the coast of the province of british columbia, canada.
they are quite both similar in many ways.
if it were possible to miss someplace you've never been, i might miss iceland or finland too!
There is a place I never have been before, but I miss this place - it's Chile, a magnificent country between the ocean and high mountains.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful!!! I need to visit Iceland!
ReplyDeleteI miss mountains, the Alpes, I miss New York and Italy so much too...
ReplyDeletethese are lovely photos, thank you for sharing them. Especially the second one; I'd like to be there, in the field.
I do miss Galway and Brighton - mainly because of the sea. The waves and salty water and wind make me happy, even the thought of them. Missing something like that feels nice.
Beautiful strong colors. Iceland does look gorgeous.
ReplyDeletehienoja kuvia.
ReplyDeletekaipaan kyllä usein norjaan. kotiseuduilta kaipaan pimeyttä nyt. ja revontulia ja tuoksuja.
mutta en tiennyt että siellä tuoksuu vanilja!
such pretty photos! i miss edinburgh terribly..
ReplyDeleteIt is a very beautiful place… Very common feeling to miss the place where you are not. I live in a beautiful area, I went to the beach each week, I love it but often I miss the mountains!
ReplyDeleteDear Radzimire,
ReplyDeleteThat is very sweet of you to show your paradise! Thank you very much!
Dear Sandra,
Those places look through your eye very nice indeed. Even I have visited Germany many many times, still I didn´t find my way to Berlin. Hopefully soon! And of New York I can only dream.
Mrs M.,
Thank you! I wish we all could visit it soon and that all the nature there would left in piece to everyone to be admired.
Thank you for stopping by, your world with the small details of porcelain look so delicate and beautiful!
Dear Norma,
That is also very true sometimes and lovely that you reminded me!
Sometimes a familiar silhouette in landscape can be just so strong feeling (:
Dear Gali,
(Unfortunately I couldn´t visit your site for some reason.)
These places sound like very different to each others, I like that. How wonderful it is we can live on the Earth.
The winters I spent in Iceland hasn´t been that cold in degrees, but the wind and the humid air surely makes it twice as cold.
Dear May,
Thank you kindly!
Beijing, that has to be an adventure city!
Dear Iris,
Norway sounds like magic! And oh Canada, I wish to get to those two one day.
Happy of your choices of "never been —yet". (:
Dear Italiana,
A place between the ocean and high mountains sounds like a dream. I wish you good luck with getting there one day!
Dear Yanyan,
Thank you very much! Hope to meet you there one day (:
Dearest Anne,
Oh I wish we could all travel a bit to all these places! The Alps, I have heard so much of them!
Hei Maikki,
Nice to meet you.
Thank you yourself! I remember well that day I was walking between the sea and that field. It was middle of the summer and I had a day off. One of those days when you think it will be raining soon but it never happened. Very happy long walk. It ended up to a swimming pool "Vesturbæjarlaug".
Indeed it feels good to miss something what sounds as lovely as that!
Dear Tiina,
Thank you! I hope they always will be painting their houses that way.
Kultainen Hanna,
Ajatellessani Norjaa ajattelen monesti myös sinua. Kotiseudun pimeys on aika mukavasti sanottu, minulle tulee kotipaikkani katuvalottomat hiekkatiet mieleen ja ne on kyllä aika kultaisia teitä.
Ainakin minun Reykjavík tuoksuu vaniljalle, joskus siellä tuoksui melkein palaneen käry :). Kaikki makeat ruuatkin maistui voimakkaalle vaniljalle.
Dear Amy,
Thank you! I might miss Edinburgh too a tiny bit! There lives one special smiling girl.
Dear Françoise,
That is very true. I am happy that not all are in the same place, then the feeling of traveling would not be as nice.
Thank you to all of you for writing! I will be dreaming of all these places of ours while painting. Have a good Wednesday!
too hard to answer…
ReplyDeleteeverywhere I am, I miss somewhere else!
Dear Anaïs,
ReplyDeleteI guess that is called a traveler´s heart (:
Lucky so!
Be well!
ReplyDeleteminä ikävöin japanin monia paikkoja... niin monia. mitäköhän eniten. on niin paljon tuoksujakin. islannista ajattelen sitä kaakaota ja blue lagoonin hajua. pääsisipä sinne joskus kesälläkin. ja new yorkiakin kaipaan ja haaveilen näyttäväni kaikki tärkeät paikat lapsille.
ei isoja kirjaimia kun toinen käsi pitelee vauvaa ja konetta.
kiitos kun olet joskus sanonut jotain ja sun kuvat on ihan uskomattomia. hienoja.
Hei Hanna,
ReplyDeleteMukavaa kun vierailit ja kirjoitit vauva sylissä.
Viime aikoina olen alkanut haaveilla Japanista ja kuvieni viemisestä sinne. Ehkä vastalahjaksi voisi ottaa muutaman kuvan sieltä. Mielessä tosin on monta kuvaa jo sieltä.
Nukkukaa kaikki hyvin Mantelissa!
Dear Owls go hoot,
Sorry I forgot to answer you. I have heard so much about Rome that I wish to go there too one day. Your Rome sounds very lively.
Be well and good night!
Voi, osaan kyllä tajuta miten sinulla ois ikävä Islantia, nämä kuvat on hienoja. En voi sanoa miten ihanalta näyttää, että siellä on niin vihreää. Minulla on joka päivä Jyväskylä ikävää.
ReplyDeletei really, really love these photos. i hope can live in iceland one day!
ReplyDeletequite often i miss a beach in norway where i would often go. it was wild and so windy and cold.
Hi Anna, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. What beautiful photos of Iceland! I can't wait to visit there myself. All the best, and i look forward to following your blog. Ben :)
ReplyDeleteoi, näköjään monet kaipaavat jonnekin. kaipaan minäkin kuten ehkä voit arvatakin. eniten kaipaan koreaa. kaipaan japaniakin ja tahtoisin mennä käymään, mutta korean kaipuu on enemmän sellaista kaipuuta kotiin. viime aikoina olen paljon miettinyt sitä miten tuntee olevansa kotona jossakin vieraassakin paikassa. tahtoisin lähteä vähän pidemmäksi aikaa taas seikkailulle, tai ihan vaan sinne toiseen kotiin ja seikkailla arjessa.
ReplyDeletemy best friend loved Iceland ... i need to get me there one of these days :)
ReplyDeleteI miss Vietnam, one place I just love and can't wait to get back to
oh my god!
ReplyDeleteThose photos are absolutely beautiful. So crisp, but still dreamy. I would love to go to Iceland.
Hey, I am new to yr blog and like it a lot.
Greetings from California.
XXX, Kim
Dear Ben,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your visit all the way from Melbourne! I will be looking around for more of your small characters to make me smiling!
Be well Ben.
Hei kultainen Satu,
Sinua ja Hannaa pitäisi joku kerta tavata!
Korean matkasi näyttävät värikylläisille ja sellaisille, että tulee mukava olo, vaikka ajatteleekin että ne voi olla tosi isoja paikkoja ja vieraita asioita. Mutta se on totta, että sellaisissakin paikoissa voi tuntea olonsa kovin kotoisaksi. Niinkuin tällainen metsässä kasvanut tyttö, joka tuntee kodin olevan meren äärellä yhtä hyvin!
Toivon että pääset matkalle piakkoin taasen! (Sitten minäkin pääsen kuviesi kautta.)
Dear ReRead,
Vietnam! That sounds like a good tea and lots of green! Wishing you a good and soon coming journey there (:
Dear Kim,
Thank you very much. Nice to have you here all the way from California! That summer has been indeed very crisp and still dreamy ;)
Kindest greetings Kim!
Again I missed two messages, sorry Jenna and Melissa!
Kiltti Jenna,
Siellä asuu myös veljeni ja kesällä se oli ihan hauskannäköinen paikka, kun kylläilin. Toivottavasti pääset sinne piakkoin ison meren yli!
Dear Melissa,
Norway has to be nice. But also your home and the surroundings now look just amazing to me with all those colors.
Have a pleasant evening!
no niin pitäisikin tavata! mietin tänään meitä kaipaavia, että voisi olla hauska joskus tästä kaipauksesta tehdä näytille jotakin yhdessä. meillä on koulun lopputyönäyttely huhtikuun lopussa kaapelitehtaalla, jos satut helsinkiin silloin niin käy katsomassa. ja voit ilmoitella jos käyt täällä päin muutenkin niin nähtäis.
ReplyDeleteSepä mahtava ajatus. Pidetään mielessä. Onnea loppurutistukselle kouluun! Tahtoisin Helsinkiin paljon, vaan tuntuu aina matka kovin pitkälle, vaikka oikeasti ei olekaan. Mutta kevään aikana varmasti piipahdan, yritän viipyä niin, että kaikkia siellä ehtisin tavata! Tampereellekin saa toki tulla!
ReplyDeleteHauskaa torstaista iltaa Satu!
your work is just lovely - nice to have found you!
ReplyDeleteDear Leanne,
ReplyDeleteVery nice that you found here. Thank you for visiting this small weather diary.
Many kind weekend wishes to Sydney!
The photos have such a beautiful light, like a dream landscape.
ReplyDeleteMissing? The little towns and villages at the Dutch coast.
Dearest Karin,
ReplyDeleteIt is so open sky in Iceland. Almost naked, the light is somehow more thin I almost believe as it has to fill so much :)
That sounds very beautiful. I have no idea how the towns and villages could look like in Dutch coast. Interesting!
Have a good weekend with gentle winds Karin!
I´ve always wanted to go to Iceland! I think I will like the landscape!...