Friday 21 October 2011


A cake with dates, blueberries, dark chocolate in the oven. Welcome for an afternoon tea. Cold weather, warm woolen socks. Lime green tea. Outside a movie of changing light as the clouds dance by. Light blue with cyan, paper white, cotton yellow, gray of ash. Colors of the sky.

Stay warm, have a calm weekend!

P.s. Some of the prints in my shop are sold out soon. Thank you kindly for the orders so far!
P.p.s. These are the results of printing with cardboard. The plate which was carved and the prints.


  1. i love your flowers. they give me warmth and some kind of inner happiness... you are a wonderful artist Anna Emilia.
    i am glad i have found you : )

  2. the flowers are very very beautiful. they make me smile : )

  3. it's always a pleasure to see ur work, dear anna emilia. beautiful as always. now that fall has arrived i am already starting to miss the flowers...but what am i saying there are still a few left :)

  4. these prints are beautiful. i love the sense of texture. have a lovely autumn weekend.

  5. Oh this afternoon sounds like the teat of treats, you know how to spend an afternoon. And I really love your prints, just a beautiful printing quality that only comes with this way of working. It must be fun to step away a moment from the painting.. and then come back: ) You too have a wonderful weekend x E

  6. lovely, love prints. and happy weekend to you.

  7. Your printing with cardboard is such a lovely success. I am not at all surprised. Enjoy your clouds and cake.

  8. so so pretty. i love this alot.

  9. sounds wonderful. and what a beautiful print.

  10. love your attention to details
    amazing stuff
    take a look at my new blog :) thanx

  11. Dear Anna Emilia, how beautiful your work is! I adore the fine lines, all different flowers, grasses....stunning print.
    Have a wonderful will get hot here today....
    x Maria

  12. I love this little illustration! And woolen socks and cold weather sound like a perfect winter to me.

  13. Your words and work bring the sunshine.

  14. these are so delicate and beautiful. your work brings warmth on a cool day.

  15. your work is so beautiful. and this sounds like my kind of weekend.

  16. love your work, so so beautiful!

  17. Dear Demie,
    Thank you very much. It also makes me happy that you found here and wrote those kind words.

    Dear Priya,
    Happy to hear that (:

    Dear Indra,
    Another kind flowers will follow when the frost arrives. Wait and see! (: Happy to have you here.

    Dear Jenna,
    Thank you! You, have a good new week!

    Dear Elisheva,
    It really is good to step away from brushes even for one evening every now and then (: Last time printing was not that successful, but I learnt a lot about the mistakes that I did, so it was a good evening printing after all! Have a good new week!

    Dear Katrina,
    Glad that you like them (:

    Dear Denise,
    Surely I enjoyed. Hopefully you too, maybe some snow already there? Here, not at all yet.

    Dear Tea Drinking English Rose,
    Very happy to hear!

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you very much!

    Dear Hilla.
    Thank you.

    Dear Maria,
    Happy if you like these tries. Now we have turned the tie to winter time: the sun rises a bit earlier for a while, but sets already around 5 pm. Every day I look for weather forecast in hopes of a few snow clouds. Still no success. Enjoy the new week!

    Dear Little Green Doll,
    Thank you (:

    Dear Junaluska,
    Happy to hear! The winter really did not yet make its way here, still needs some patience to let it to arrive. But hopefully soon (:

    Dear Serena,
    Happy to hear that on such a cloudy day (:

    Dear Kitchu,
    Thank you!

    Dear Hila,
    Thank you. Hopefully you had a good weekend.

    Dear Sunny,
    Thank you so much!

    Dear All,
    Have a good new week!
