There have been days to use an umbrella, a day when things get lost, a day when those favorite things are found again, appreciated even more. A day to use two layers of long sleeves. Days of crane, swan, goose wedges on blue sky. On cloud-grey sky. Small birds that hide under pine branches from the rain. During the weekend the first outdoor coffees will be drank in the harbor.
Today, while painting, a mellow and comforting sound of a lady is speaking me some foreign language. Will I learn some too? Languages are like music and some of them would be nice to keep unknown that the melodies of them never fade away. One of the things that I enjoy the most.
What kind of things you have appreciated lately? What do you enjoy in these moments of April? With your answer and your email address you can play along. For one of you this small painting Linnea Path is sent. Open till Sunday evening, Finnish time, 29th of April. This is my small way to thank you for being here. You are all so kind.
Happy and calm outdoor weekend!
The sun has been shining through the window while I have been painting the last days. The birds have been singing the sound of spring and the neighbour dog has been sitting in the window watching people passing by. Today I started to bake a bread and I have invited some people over to share it with me. Most I aprreciate to just walk slovly these days, like the nature are slovly waking after the winter.
ReplyDeleteYour picture is so soft and kind. Want to touch it:)
Hope you can feel the warm wind from Norway. Have a beautiful day:)
(you find my mailadress on my blog:))
i really appreciate sunshine, although there hasn't been much of that lately, but now it's starting to get better. i also appreciate the fact that the spinach i've been growing for a couple of weeks looks pretty. your art is so-so amazing, thank you for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletesince it so grey and cold around here i watch my tiny seeds turning into the smallest little plants very closely - they long for a bit of sun just like i do. and i admire the magnolia tree in front of my window - it hasn´t given up like most of the others around here even when it´s way to cold to bloom.
ReplyDeleteyou´re blog is always like a ray of sunshine in our lives - thank you so much for that!
i created some spring birds. now the rain is coming back ... time for good music & dreaming of summer
ReplyDeleteWinter is coming in Sydney.
ReplyDeleteI love the rituals of a coming winter.
Putting french vanilla and rose tea in my teapot and putting a tea cosy on top of my teapot.
Reading and writing whilst listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the tin roof of my treehouse.
Perfecting the formulas of turning thoughts into moments and turning moments into events.
h. x
DeleteHi Anna, well here in the UK spring is officially on its way, i have been relishing in the newly sprouted Daffodils, Iris and bluebells scattered around my allotment and the feeling of soil beneath my fingers as i plant seeds with the excitement of watching them grow. Spring is my favourite season. Such possibilities and growth. Happy Thursday lady i send smiles and hugs your way xx
ReplyDeletemy favoutrites: the returning light with longer, brighter evenings, the sound of blackbirds all around our house, wearing ballerina shoes, picking daffodiles, staying outdoors for hours ++++++
ReplyDeleteoh, how i love this time of year*
Here in the south hemisphere I've been appreciating the first fresh days of Autumn. Even liking all seasons, I really enjoy the awesome blue skies and golden light and the feeling of quiet times that this season brings. Summer is a very hot time here in the tropics ( around 32-34°C), specially when far from the coast as I am, and now the temperature is just perfect (24-26°C during the day). I've been planning a new garden space in the backyard and theses days I've been having fun preparing pots and vases, playing with mosaics and colors :)Thanks for the giveaway and have a nice day! Greetings from sunny Brazil.
ReplyDeleteIn Holland spring has started. The birds sing, the tulips bloom and the first butterfly's, with fragile colors, fly by. Ánd I've had an "Estonian Lace Knitting"-class , and started a little shawl.
ReplyDeleteWe're moving in to a new place this weekend... and with that is the promise of new energy and a fresh start. I am so excited for the opportunity to re-arrange and re-decorate, and I am even more thrilled to be getting my very own work studio room. What's more, is that there's a small creek and three flowering trees right out back. I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteThe walls have been painted, now it's time to move the boxes of our lives into the rooms and cover the walls in things that inspire me. This painting would fit in so lovely! Thank you for this opportunity.
Last weekend, i cried in foreign language, nobody understood at the park...
ReplyDeleteBecause in these days, i love watching the fresh green colors of baby leaves...I know that this is a very special moment, awakening of the nature, it's different than always...
Thanks for the chance!
In my part of the world, I have been contemplating the still autumn mornings bringing us offshore winds and clean waves. Cold mornings, blue sky, blue ocean. The daylight is becoming more precious. I already dream of spring when winter hasn't even arrived yet. Thank you for your world of softness and beautiful pictures.
ReplyDeleteI have been appreciating all the wonderful new flowers that have been blooming with our early spring this year. And of course enjoying my birthday. :)
I enjoy the smell of sun, buying a lot of flowers, embroidering outside, walking for hours until my feet are cold.
ReplyDeleteI see your drawings and smile, I always smile when I look beautiful things.
Oh, Anna Emilia, this is a great, great giveaway. I spent the last week in an elementary school, working with 24 amazing children. I'll start to work as an elementary teacher this year in September. And this spring, I'm going to finish my studies. I'm so excited!
We've needed some rain for quite a while and got some last night. This morning, I enjoyed a walk in the cool, damp April air. I took pictures of raindrops on flowers and appreciated how quiet it was.
ReplyDeleteI love this painting and peaceful post. Thank you!
There are so many joyful things April has brought; being able to dry washing outside so it smells of fresh air, picking colourful tulips from the garden and using them to brighten a room, the children being on school holiday and staying in our pyjamas until midday, a welcome visitor from England....what's better than these simple things?
i love the shadows in the morning light that dance on my bedroom walls while i have coffee. new leaves that are green + warmer evenings that encourage star-gazing!
ReplyDeletei love your art and words, thanks always for posting.
Valoisat aamut ja illat,maatuvienlehtien läpi työntyvät vihreät pontevat kevätkukat. Sulavan maan tuoksu. Lintujen äänet.
DeleteI live in the North-East of Spain where it usually rains a lot, especially in winter. However, we are having such a crazy weather this year that it hasn't rained enough for the past three months (there was also a great fire in a nearby forest, so sad about this!). But, as soon as April begun, it has rained almost every day... I even went for a walk without an umbrella, I wanted so much to feel the rain on my face... so this is what I'm appreciating right now, the magic of water!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes*
Here on the east coast of the United States I love how the trees remind me that everything changes. All the time. In the winter, they are naked and a bit lonely. But then the spring comes and covers them with fancy dresses of pale pink blossoms and creamy white buds. But they shed those lovely frocks just as quickly (too quickly this year) in favor of a bit more sophisticated dress of dark green leaves, thick and waxy for the summer. In the fall, the leaves will grow old and change orange and yellow in the sunset of their life and then everything will begin again. But oh how I am enjoying the spring-time fanciness in April!
ReplyDeleteI always appreciate my daily peak at your blog and your lovely art. Here in Seattle, shiny new maple leaves have popped from their buds, fallen blossoms cover the ground like snow, and I revel in the glowing brilliance inside tulip cups. Color has returned after a gray winter.
So many things to be thankful of, but right now I am loving the simple things that spring brings, evening light, sprinkles of rain, sprouting plants coming alive again, green shades of trees, warm woolen sweaters on a late evening walk and of course the morning rituals, coffee drinking and watching the new birds arrive! Happy Spring Anna! What a sweet idea!
ReplyDelete-Lissa (Lopez Island)
For quite a while I have been in the dark and I didn't see the light. Until I watched the sun come up one day and I truly saw it.
ReplyDeleteIt's comforting to know that eventhough the sun sets at night, he will come up again the next day.
So is life. When in dark times, there will be days full of bright light too. All you need is patience and faith. Have faith in life and it will bring you the best. See, hear, smell, feel, taste and sense it. It's not always easy but hold on and you will be surprised.
I am grateful for life and I appreciate it more than ever.
All the best,
Hello there. I like your view of foreign language. So far this April I've been appreciating rhubarb, asparagus, and long days.
ReplyDeleteI appreciated today, that it wasn´t totally dark when I left my office. And yesterday I had the first asparagus. And all the flowers everywhere are so pretty. As in your painting.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying pulling weeds so the lily of the valley can grow and bloom...
I enjoy life as I have never done it before. I enjoy the heavy clouds stung by the cypresses on the Tuscan hills in the distance, I enjoy reading Emerson's thoughts on Nature during lunch break, I enjoy accepting challenges I have never had the courage to meet. And I enjoy putting into practice my revelation, that happiness is an attitude, not a goal.
I just had two weeks off work and I rested a lot, played with my sons, gardened. It's autumn where I live and I am starting to get that 'nesty' feeling that autumn brings - also we are enjoying the autumn treats, like walnuts, pumpkins, feijoas and apples.
ReplyDeleteI have appreciated the kind heart of my fiance. Life has been extra tough as of late and he has been there for me through all of it.
ReplyDeleteI've been enjoying the sun and all the flowers blooming.
this April, I enjoy changes. I, for once, embrace them, istead of fighting against them, and train myself to believe that something good is on it's way...
ReplyDeleteI enjoy wind. And flowers. And little, tender, fresh green leaves. And sunlight on grass along the road. And populus nigra seeds. Springtime!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this initiative!
ReplyDeleteThis year, April is a month of contrast. We enjoyed spring at the beginning of the month, with a sweet weather, blooming flowers, sunshine... And now we are returning in winter with cold weather, rain, warm coat and scarf. Crazy!
But April is made too with little lovely things: admirate the sunrise every morning before work; smell the viennese pastries on the street; have a lazy sunday afternoon under the duvet with my boyfriend watching a movie, knitting or reading; come back home and receive the binch of flowers left by the neighbor on my doormat; ...
April is just beautiful! Hope yours too.
Have a lovely week-end,
i enjoy making over my little balcony in new flat, planting flowers, as sun shines with warm spring breeze. Thanks for such a lovely give-away. : )
I'm enjoying the last vestiges of our time in India, while making list upon list of creative endeavors I can't wait to dive into once I'm home!
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious painting.
I enjoy the most to absorb the first warm sun in April and to see how nature awakes from winter sleep, making walks in the forest and have spring flowers in my home :)
It's April in New Zealand. The month for eating as many feijoas as you can and planting your spring bulbs!
ReplyDeletemany things i have appreciated lately : )
ReplyDeletesmiling people, noticing fresh red shootings from my peony plant in my garden, snail mail in my letter box, tea-time, homemade scones with berryjam, my new white flower scented candle, colorful fresh flowers on my table, my mum visiting for three whole days, knitting (i love knitting), reading the book The sound of a wild snail eating
the W.E soundtrack by Abel Korzeniowski (incredibly beautiful music).
wishing you a nice weekend,
This April I enjoy.. chocolate!!
ReplyDeleteSilvia (from Italy)
Anytime of the day, anytime of the year it has to be the baby babbling and the tween laughing. The best! Love your work by the way. Very inspiring :) Cheers from Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteApril has never been my favorite time of the year, because everything is so bare and the light is so harsh. But I do like the waiting, the feeling of nature itself drawing its breath for spring that will bloom out in just a few weeks and amaze with colors and textures and intensity. Every time I see something green, even if it's just a tiny little plant, it makes me stop for a fleeting moment and wonder.
ReplyDeletealarwyn (a) gmail.com
Here, April is full of birdsong and buds bursting. The other day I went down to a secret creek to take in all the sounds, smells and sights of the new spring year. Sometimes the babbling of a creek is like a foreign language to me. Whispers in the woods.
ReplyDeleteFor me, this April has been a month of rest before big changes are happening in May. So I have been enjoying all the small and big things that one can do when there is some spare time to fill: long walks through forests and fields, writing and receiving letters and going for breakfasts with friends. Happy month!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is always so inspiring and I adore your paintings and drawings.
Have a happy weekend!
antje at waffenschmidt.de
I appreciate the joy and energy my students bring to me everyday. Everyday is a brand new start with them, full of new possibilities.
ReplyDeleteThis April has been warmer than most Aprils where I am (in Ohio, USA), so everything has been blooming ahead of schedule! I've enjoyed the beautiful scent and color of the lilacs, of course, and the white dogwoods, with flowers that haven't faded for weeks now, quite unusual! And roses are already opening, along with the lovely pink clematis! Thank you so much for your blog, it really inspires me!
ReplyDeleteThis April I enjoyed looking at a plus on my pregnancy test.
ReplyDeleteThis April I appreciated the skills of my gynecologist.
But there will be next April and I hope I will be enjoying a baby in my arms.
April has been so interesting so far. We got teased with some warmer weather and now the stockings and slippers are back out as the cold chill remains. I have enjoyed snuggling with my love and watching movies on rainy nights, wearing my new slippers, watching the fire, and catching a bit of sun when I can. This month sure has been lovely.
April has brought a nest to my garden with beautiful blue eggs...and very small flowers on an olive tree. Yesterday I discovered that carrots have flowers, something I probably should have known... it made me very happy!
ReplyDeleteLove your art, and come here frequently to look through your eyes :)
April is such a relief after the long winter. I nearly shouted for joy this morning at riding along streets lined with pink and white cherry blossom, hearing the birds and feeling the wind on my bare legs for the first time in over 6 months. Also, I love to see the dogs who have been cooped up all winter enjoying the sunshine and the freedom of sitting next to their masters in the sun, or playing with new doggy friends for hours in the street. They all seem to be smiling. Finally, it is wonderful to be surrounded by soft green and smiles after months of grey. I hope you are experiencing the first blossoms of the spring too! Kim kmcaruso (at) gmail.com
ReplyDeleteliving in cold Russia, April is like waking up from a long and cold deathlike sleep. Just when you think you can't take anymore grey and ice, a shy ray of sun, the shoking green of a young leave, birds building their nests high up in the trees, all this fills you up with love for life and a gigantic thirst for warmth and long sunny days ! Best of all, locking by snow boots deep inside the cupboard and walking barefoot in sandals ! sarahmodde@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteEniten tässä hetkessä rakastan kevätaurinkoa. Miten se esille tullessaan piristää ja antaa tuoretta inspiraatiota ja energiaa mitä ei muulloin saa. Uutta pientä elämää herää henkiin yhtä lailla pään sisällä kuin luonnossakin.
ReplyDeleteViime aikoina mun sydäntä on lämmittänyt eniten se, kuinka vajaa 5-vuotias tyttö on yhtäkkiä ymmärtänyt äidin tärkeyden ja likistynyt kainaloon joka hetki kun vain mahdollista. Sydän pakahtuu. ♥
Voi kunpa arpaonni suosisi kerrankin. novamelina@gmail.com
I am from coastal New England in the U.S. and have been enjoying the early spring days very much ... our plum tree is in full bloom as I write today!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a special place to visit and your art is pure pleasure and inspiration. Thank you!
I live in the small Danish town of Solvang,in the central Coast of California. I found the link to your site through Pinterest. I love the whimsy, simplicity and imagination of your work!!! Being an artist/photographer born in April, I delight first in the heady aroma of the lilac bush that blooms at my garden apartment that reminds me of my grandmothers garden in Michigan after the long winters. Slowly the leaves grow on my liquid amber tree, the herbs are refreshed by the sun on my patio, the clematis buds, the climbing roses spring to life,I bring my easel outside to paint, and hike in the hills. Loving spring!
ReplyDeleteYour words of life and nature is always like poetry to me.
ReplyDeleteRight now I appreciate all the beautiful light; sun all week and long evenings with beautiful sunsets. I also love hearing my baby daughter Sara's laughter. It's the best!
April is the second month of Autumn here in New Zealand. The days are getting shorter and the mornings have a crisp bite to them. But the sun is shining, the air is clear and there is that sense of stillness that one feels as winter approaches. A beautiful time of the year.
ReplyDeleteOma piha, oma koti, perhe. Tänään vihdoin aurinko ja lämpö.
ReplyDeleteMulla on niin huono englanti, etten ymmärrä paljon mitään (kun en jaksa kunnolla keskittyä tahkoamaan), mutta tahdoin vain huikata että taas kävin ja täällä on aina kaunista ja hyväntahtoista. Ihanaa kevätsunnuntai-iltaa sinullekin!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate: slow weekend mornings with hot tea and books and blogs (like yours!), kitty paws around my neck, the sun peaking through rain clouds, followed by an impromptu picnic on the beach with silly friends...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your words and art with us! Your blog is a breath of salty sea air and the smell of crocus bursting threw the moist earth.
the white cat down the street.
ReplyDeletethe black cat in my windowsill.
cups of steaming coffee on slow weekend mornings.
cold breezes through the windows.
visits from dear family.
leggy borage with its fuzzy leaves.
tightly curled baby basil.
handmade bed with handmade quilt.
being outside with the pungent lake air.... :)
happy weekend!
p.s. aakera@gmail :)
DeleteI saw a bob cat kitten cross quickly across the road I was walking down. I got mud all over my white summer dress when i climbed down a hill to the beach with seals on.
ReplyDeleteAll the best, Danielle
I do enjoy that every fifth drop of rain seems to be warm already.
ReplyDeleteFinishing my knitting before it has to wait for colder seasons.
My favorite thing this April has been planting seeds and watching them grow, a little every day. It's amazing how much excitement and gratitude one can feel with these tiny green seedlings!
ReplyDeleteIt has been a complicated few weeks for me. I have just come back from a funeral in Paris and now, back home, there are only a few days to pack everything into boxes and move away. But in Paris the chestnut trees were already flowering and other flowers were everywhere too. Even in sad times life seemed to sing a little. There were sudden showers and hail, but so much sunshine. Here in northern Scotland we have also had days for umbrellas and lots of long sleeves... and there are fat green buds ready to burst into leaves any day now!
ReplyDeleteBrightest, greenest new spring wishes to you.
Oh well.. I've recently move to the mountains and here in my country, Argentina, is autumn already. I love all the nature sounds and the yellows, browns and cafe colors. Is so inspiring... I would like to love paint all day :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this giveaway I really love your work!!!!
oh my oh my. I love the smell of wet grass after an april rain.
ReplyDeletefingers crossed! a happy Monday to you. :)
well .. all I can hear these days is the sound of rain which I LOVE :) I cherish rainy days <3
ReplyDeleteI just like to light my candle, sit by my window, and either make jewelry or draw :) it's so calming ...
I've been enjoying everything in bloom: the cherry blossoms, the apple blossoms, early lilacs, a profusion of wisteria in someone's back garden that I spotted from the train passing high above one morning. Also, the colors of the sky in the mornings when I leave for work: the clouds, and the smudgy pinks and blues, and how when the train curves along the tracks before it goes underground again, that's just when the sun is rising and shining sharp pink or orange.
ReplyDeletei'm appreciating the bright sunshine, neon green river valley, and a rambunctious toddler to run after :)
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts of appreciation have been for my family this past few weeks. There have been moments of reconnection and lots of warm family love being shared around young and old alike.
ReplyDeleteApril means a change in season here in Australia with cooler nights to snuggle under a warm blanket. My days have been less humid. I am enjoying the pleasant cool breezes especially when they have the twitterings of the little birds on them. I love birds and birdsong <3
I think of my family a lot. I will be back in France in three days and I'm so excited about it. I will see my family again after one year in China. It's already summer in here so when I'll be back, I will be able to enjoy the cool weather of spring.
ReplyDeleteI'm already planning a lot of things to do with them. So I think that the end of April is going to be full of love :)
Sammakot, sinivuokot, kävely lämpimässä sateessa, kesämekon ompelu, kissat, onnenapilan sipulit.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to see the sun change its course, my flowers and vegetables thriving, even on the tiniest of balconies, green grass to sprawl out on with the dog and my love, and outdoor dinners, coffees, and sunsets giving time for reflection and thanks.
ReplyDeletemy baby son, good coffee, writing, slow mornings and snow melting in my garden.
I am grateful for wild garlic in my garden, the wild sea on my doorstep, for tiny red stitches that grow by the day, for a small hand in mine as we walk, and for conversation with dear ones that takes me on journeys I never could have imagined.
ReplyDeleteAnd today, thank you for this small, magical place you share with us. It makes my days looks even better.
Love from the garden of the wet, green island of Ireland. xxx
I love this perfect spring picture. And thank you for your gorgeous gentle blog
ReplyDeleteA very soft and sweet painting you made.
ReplyDeleteThe weather is grey and rainy, but I think of all the good fruit and vegetable that we're going to savour pretty soon! And anyway some flowers are slowly growing and I love their gay and bright colours against the grey sky.
Oi,juuri nyt on niin monta ihanaa asiaa mistä nautin! Aurinko - aamulla kun se herättää,päivällä kun se lämmittää ja illalla kun se saa kaiken hohtamaan. Jokapuolelle ilmastuneet kukkaset ja melkein hiirenkorvilla olevat koivut ja tuomet. Voi..nautin niin koko keväästä,kaikesta siinä! :)
ReplyDeleteLately I have appreciated the heavy downpours that come with autumn days. They make the garden look one glossy green slippery wilderness and it is gladdening to see. Autumn, like spring, is a time of year I relish. Perhaps because it brings with it a little of both warm moments of sunshine by day and cool cosiness by night. Today I am appreciating the seasonal bliss that reminds me to move around, look around, look sharp, play! And to always have an umbrella handy.
ReplyDeleteI have appreciated to sometimes take my socks off, evening light, eating strawberries, and the green you see when you manage to get out of the city. And I am loving april for its spring weather and changing skies and days.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful, beautiful print. So perfect for spring! I would love to play along :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of spring is watching the garden wake up. In the last month it has started to green up, bloom and blossom. It's like magic!
Actually it is an original painting (:
DeleteLast april, I did not have a garden.
ReplyDeleteThis april, I have one, a small one, behind my new home. I found an old wooden bench and put it under the cherry blossom, then every morning, even if it is windy or rainy, I sit down on the bench and listen to the bue tit which made its neest in a hollow on the trunk.
Happiness, really.
April always sounds so softly to me... It's my birth month and I wait impatiently for it to come. But it's my first spring in town. I terribly miss my mum's garden and the weather this year is so bad here. So, I really enjoy the pink touches brought by japanese cherry trees (Sakura) in my city. That makes me so happy to go through the little pink park every day to go to work. Everyday, that reminds me Mom's colourful garden.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of April are all the colors that pop up everywhere. Altough the sun isn't there yet you can already see green on the trees and spots of yellow, orange and white on the ground. I love to see the trees and plants waking up from there long wintersleep.
ReplyDeleteI like spring and the insects zooming all around. In Holland there are numerous bees, that differ so much! And they ain't shy, you can watch them easily for some time. Butterflies are lovely too ofcourse, but a bit harder to observate.
ReplyDeleteAnd we (family of 3 girls & big man) are going to shore in a day, that's something i love!
My e-m is tip-en-tap @ live . nl
Love your blog, real eyecandy :)
Thanks God ! There're a lot to appreciate in April .
ReplyDeleteApril , a stressful month for me being a student , I appreciate that I still have the chance sitting for exams and enjoying the summer holiday.
I appreciate the unstable and moody weather outside so that I can hear the lovely sound of rain . Thanks for giving me ears to listen.
I am happy to have breakfast every morning and it makes me stronger.
Lately I really find HUMANS/PEOPLE interesting. Getting along with different people is like a magic , what you need is a pure and simple heart and you will find everybody around you adorable.
That is the biggest appreciation of this month.
--Littleperson (Germain from Hong Kong)
Kevät tuntuu joka kerta uudelta alulta. Kaikki on mahdollista.
ReplyDeleteJuuri nyt olen iloinen kuunnellessani lintujen laulua, nähdessäni turvonneet silmut sireenissä ja erityisesti siitä, kun näen kissani juoksentelevan iloisena ulkona pitkän sisäkauden jälkeen.
such a beautiful painting! there has been much to appreciate this lovely month. a trip to the big city to see old friends and familiar places. our garden slowly greening and growing. watching my (biggest) little boy play baseball, make friends, and be happy. it has been glorious to be outside in the warm sunshine, chasing my boys who are chasing birds and butterflies. and i truly appreciate traveling around the world via the internet to visit far-off finland, australia, mexico, and many other places. thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love your work and writing so much, it reminds me of being a child again and is so calming. Thank you for sharing your gifts!
ReplyDeleteThank you for asking this nice and essential question! And thank you for sharing your beautiful work!
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time there was a cherry blossom in a garden and every day it’s blossoms grew and became abundantly. They were colored with different hues of tender rose. Whether it was the sun who’s shining up on them or the rain who made them look like sparkling pearls or the heavy wind who was dancing with all these lovely petals, it’s always such a delight to look at this tree these days of the year!
And in the end it will be like snowing , the garden will be covered with a rose blanket, pure and peaceful.
It is, as with the time … I’m so grateful for. One day there’s time to play with our girls, to hear their laughter or to wipe their tears. Another day it’s time to create and bring clay to life. But their are also days where I have to fight against the injustice and grief in this world that’s overwhelming me.
And in the end there will be days filled with beauty, joy, friendship, peace and love! How precious is the time we have!
Sorry... I forgot this ateliernausika@hotmail.com
Deletehey, lately i have appreciated it so much when one of my little grils come tiptoeing to my bed in the early morning. And then we slumber a bit together as close as can be. Heaven!
ReplyDeleteLove the painting!
April is like a sweet reunion with old friends for me. I am always so excited to see my crocuses, daffodils, tulips emerge again in my garden. And the leaves on the trees! Today I heard the song of a little sparrow in the birch tree behind our garden. I don't know if it is always the same fellow who comes to sing his heartfelt song each spring, but I imagine it to be. :)
ReplyDeleteOops...kathleenmaunder at gmail dot com
DeleteSummer here in the tropics is in full bloom. Azure seas and endless skies beckon....
the most beautiful gift april gave me was spending my birthday at my parents place together with my dog. he is already 15 and i am afraid he won't be here next year. i love him so much and i am very grateful for all these little moments next to him.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone so much! What a beautiful book of precious things this post became with your words.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Helene of Auprès de Mon Arbre, she won the small painting!
"auprès de mon arbreApr 26, 2012 01:30 PM
Last april, I did not have a garden.
This april, I have one, a small one, behind my new home. I found an old wooden bench and put it under the cherry blossom, then every morning, even if it is windy or rainy, I sit down on the bench and listen to the bue tit which made its neest in a hollow on the trunk.
Happiness, really."