Monday 10 November 2014


A winter that lasted for a weekend. The week starts with puddles, but also with lingonberry tea, bicycling, candles, the first hyacinth scent, letter writing.

Hello sweet November, please bring more snow!



  1. ...and send some to Holland as well November!
    I miss Winter in Finland (:

    1. Dear Silvia,

      The winter in Finland hash´t appeared after that weekend. Hopefully next week! Then I will surely send you some snow (:

  2. Brrrrr! Barefoot in the snow?! Bravo!!:) I like the picture that you've built, especially the letter writing! Here we already walk upon soft yellow carpets... Hope the snow will come after the leaves fall down. Happy and cozy November! xo

    1. I saw that there were big floods in your home country. Hopefully it is better now!

      Happy December!

  3. that first picture - love it!

  4. Hyrrrr,paljain jaloin lumessa! Tuli kylmä pelkästä ajatuksesta - vaan jostain syystä kyllä tekee ehkä mieli kokeilla samaa..hmm:) No,sitten kun tulee taas lunta! Ja hei,ihanaa että muistutit hyasinteista!

    1. Se on ihanaa, jälkeenpäin tuntuu niin lämpimältä ja villasukat entistäkin ihanammilta. Toivottavasti ennen joulua voit kokeilla, täällä kun taas sade ropisee vaikka eilen räntä näytti lupaavammalta.

      Jo kolmas hyasintti täällä täydessä kukassa, ehkä vielä yksi kukkii täällä ennen loman alkua!

      Teekuppien kilinää!

  5. brrr! here in France today 11° with sun

  6. The combination of pink and white is gorgeous! So delicate... you know how to find beauty in everything.

  7. Good Lord, barefoot in the snow! Just watching at the photo makes me feel cold! :) Here autumn is very long, sunny and warm this year, it's quite unusual. All trees are gold and ruby and even pink, so many colour shades - not every year it is so beautiful. But winter always comes to us from the North. Probably quite soon it will snow here too. I think I'll go for a walk now, before all this autumn beauty dissapears ;) Stay warm! Wear socks! ;)

    1. I challenge you to try this when the snow lands there (: It feels so wonderful afterwards. Just a few slow breaths and then quickly inside and woollen socks on. It sounds very beautiful there!

  8. Very nice photo ... I want snow... more snow... really more snow :)

    1. Hopefully it arrives there! And to us also again, it has been rainy and cloudy for so many weeks...

  9. I am not sure to love snow so much as you, actually, I am sure not to love it at all... I live in west of France, where snow is very rare but where I can sleep in beautifull bed linen drawn by you... Thanks for that and for your beautifull pictures ;-)

    1. Very glad to hear! Wishing those meadows keep the summer close to you even some snow might fall.

  10. This morning promised snowy day ... but it ended up with the rain :(
    I cheer myself with your pictures :)
