Monday 11 April 2011


Night time, when everything is calm, an old unfinished painting starts to get a new layer over its washed colors. What it will become, a new night might tell. Waiting to paint more while the spring birds do their work by singing through an open balcony door. Or the raindrops washing the air with their melody of touched things. Roofs, window sills, branches, chimneys, walls, stone steps, stairs, grass of last year. Making tunnels through the snow, melting it away. Through everything under earth to lakes, rivers, ponds.

Hello everyone, how are you? So glad to have you here. Welcome all the new, pleasure to meet you.

Warm thoughts with a hint of turquoise to your Monday.


  1. I think I can sleep peacefully now, thinking of the pretty colors, I'll have sweet dreams

  2. that one in the middle? i'd love it as my wallpaper.
    wishing you a monday surrounded by the song of blackbirds

  3. I wish you a nice monday Anna.
    that's good news that your avocado already has roots. My avaocado was the same, first roots appeared and then the little stam and little green leaves appear. My avaocado was in the water for more then 3 months. Make sure your plant has grown good in the water befor you plant him in the soil .

    all the best

  4. so beautiful :')
    perfect monday start!

  5. WIsh you also a nice Montag (german) oder Poniedzialek(polish) :D
    These color is so intense! Like it very much.

  6. so beautiful these colors and thank you for those Monday wishes :)

  7. So beautiful-love this color. Happy spring!

  8. Beautiful. The warm turquoise and cooler grey is such a perfect combination for Springtime.

  9. what a colour to brighten up our monday! and it pairs so well with grey. it's always such a pleasure to come here.
    i wish you a sunny and colourful week.

  10. My favorite colors! Just beautiful. Glad Spring is slowly making its way to your home.

  11. so poetically your words and your picture)))
    Have a nice Tuesday))

  12. I just found my ay beautiful......I really like your works.

  13. Happy day to you, dear Anna Emilia! The details from your painting feel like a beautiful pond with turquoise reflect of sky. :-)

  14. I go out of my silence.
    This blue,green, turquoise is so soft and soothing. Hate to see the fruit of thy coming nights.

  15. Thank you so much everyone!

    Thank you dear Lotte, I will keep the avocado then in the water longer (:

    Always so happy to have you all here.

  16. i am in love with these little turquoise flowers or better said leaves. fantastic colours, dear annaemilia.
