Thursday 16 December 2010


After the noon news, I lay my brushes and pens, papers and scissors away, hop into my boots and go outside to check if the postman was busy for me today. Yesterday he was, with a book Vieläkö kukkivat omenapuut? (Are the apple trees still blooming?) which cover I illustrated last spring. It is a book about the history of North Ingria by Helena Miettinen. It is filled with images of old houses and people, their memories about leaving home and finding a new one where ever they were allowed to stay. Written in Finnish. Where old homes used to be, there are now dense forests, but there might still be old apple trees, blooming during springs and dropping apples on the ground during autumns.

A small plate for my cat that I did maybe 15 years ago, or even longer. For Kisse Karvinen. A cat that slept in an onion basket and middle of the lilacs bushes, the warmest and best scented places.

A small ice rink just next to my home. If there was a machine to move a huge brush, I would try to paint that ice full of leaves. And those winter trees wearing white, I would melt small dots of dark wood with fingers.

P.s. Thank you so much for your orders, they surprised me! Thank you so much! Also for your comments and emails, once again!


  1. what an amazingly beautiful post anna emilia, i'm sitting here freezing and somehow these pictures made me warmer. happy day to you!

  2. I love waiting for the post as well. It is always pleasant to receive something from far away, especially during the winter, where everything is grey. I love your little kitty plate- he looks like my cat at home :)

  3. Tosi kaunis kuvitus kirjan kanteen, vau. Ja aivan ihanan symppis tuo alin kuva :)

  4. Again – I'd love to see that cover illustration as a wallpaper. Imagine a small room for story telling/having tea/assorted crafting with all of its walls covered by these pines. Magical!

  5. wow, suddenly winter feels so good. now i want to get out but it's already dark...

  6. I love your illustration for the book.
    The ice skating pond looks magical. We don't get cold enough for something like that here so I'm a little envious!

  7. Happy snow days Anna Emilia!

  8. anna emilia,

    thank you for you kind words and for saying hello. now im getting to sit in awe of your beautiful work and this little land youve created. i love your shop, and your website. it seems perfect, to me.


  9. Dear Anna Emilia, your posts are so wonderful, I am not always commenting but I look at every single one of them and like the way you draw and is so beautiful..The little cat made me smile and your Winter images made me wish to go out for a long winter walk with a hot cop of tea afterwards ....have a wonderful weekend

  10. This post was beautiful, Anna Emilia. So peaceful. Perfect for this time of year. Carolina

  11. i love reading your words and looking at your artwork. they both bring me a deep peace. thank you!

  12. i just recently discovered your blog and just wanted to tell you how much i love it!

  13. Wow - those photographs are truly incredible. So beautiful. As is your work, always.

  14. A lovely cover for what seems a beautiful book.

  15. And when a book written in French or translated where words arise noiselessly near your colors so delicate?
    That your tea is hot and spicy

  16. your work alway make me feel nice^^
    you are so great!Thanks again for sharing.

    Lovely kitty mini plate!

  17. Great bouncing icebergs! I just found your website / blog and I'm totes loving it and your artwork! Consider me a fan, ma'am! Take care and talk soon!

    Raised By Wolves
