Sunday 13 December 2009


It brought snow last night. Going on the ice with "potkukelkka", it is very quick sledge of a kind. The sound of ice is like whales singing when it breaks and becomes stronger reaching longer to the shores. Going over the cracks takes a bit of courage when the ice moves slowly. But the cracks are very tiny. Got red cheeks. Please dear wind, tell greetings to the beautiful landscapes of Siberia next time you pass by there!

(Pictures from a video I took. There one can hear the ice breaking from distance if listening very carefully.)


  1. anna,

    this sounds exactly like what i want to be doing. i hope the winds bring cold weather when i'm on my christmas trip. waiting to take the first journey with potkukelkka this winter.

    greetings from darkening evening, when the snow falls very slowly and a beetroot pie is in the oven.

  2. lovely lovely!!!!
    it snowed here too!

  3. Your Blog is full of beautiful things! I loved your paintings!

  4. Hei Hanna!

    Wishing you the best with winds for next week. It was my first journey in a long time.

    What kind of beetroot pie it became? Sounds very lovely.
    Have a good Monday!


    I am happy for you Gini! It is a good and relaxing feeling to have finally some white around. Best of greetings dear girl!


    Thank you dearly Flor! Have a good new week!

  5. Oh it's great !
    I envy you !

  6. thank you so much for sharing this moment!

  7. Feels like our wind here comes from exactly the same landscape :)
    Beautiful words and I love that potkukelkka and your shoes.

  8. Anne,

    I hope you too get to a small winter journey soon!


    Thank you for stopping by Irene!


    Thank you dear Karin!


    I hope I could take all of you for a small tour. Half would sit on the benches of "potkukelkka" and the rest would make the speed with their feet. When tired, we would change places. Have good week all of you!
